New planner for the new year! (next 6 weeks = one transfer)
Had some more bike fun yesterday with a flat tire. It all worked out quite well though. My super cool blind member in KC pumped up my bike for me when it didn't need it and here a couple weeks later my inner tube exploded from the extra pressure. It happened while I was in church, so it was a blessing that it didn't happen while I was riding it or that could have been really bad. Then a senior missionary was at church and he drove me to the bike store since I'm in the city now and he paid for my new inner tube. Then my actual tire was frayed and had a hole in it too and the store gave me a new one for free.
This is a Cambodian "normal" bike shop. Random guy on the side of the road.
Here is the installation of the new tire and tube!
The new study place
Nothing like a new jar of peanut butter!
Elder Tree Sr. My new comp. He's a super cool guy and knows lots of English, but his pronunciation needs some help. We help each other.
The new house. You can't really see it because of the trees (mango and jack fruit). It's a proper neighborhood though with speed bumps and a guarded gate at the front. And most everyone has a car. It's a condo sort of complex, they call them boar-A's. Super different from the countryside.
City life. Name of the game, dodge the rear view mirrors.
Some of my favoritest people in Cambodia. Sad to leave them.
The senior couple in KC, aka the Clauses. Love them so much too.
We put on a play of Christ's birth for the Christmas party. I was a councilor to King Herod.
I like this photo for a couple reason. First is that I was getting a picture of the white thing on the truck with a cowboy hat. Lots of the cars have them and I think it's super funny. They also have them in neon green. Point two is the random guy I caught yawning.
Khmae kids being cute.
God loves us. It's a new year with lots of potential. Take it by the reigns and come off conquering!
- Elder Taylor
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