Don't have lots of time this week because I'm going to go eat some Khmae food that my companion is making for an Elder get together, but here you go!:
Kid having fun with my helmet and the light I put on it.
Teaching record of an investigator that my teacher from the MTC taught!
Paulaa, the fine young man that I baptized on Saturday. The font was being finicky. It was low. So we turned it back on. Rushing around getting things ready, and as I'm changing the bathroom stall starts to flood. Forgot to turn it off. So turn it off. But by the time we get in the font to baptize him it's back to low again. Ended up having to dunk him 3 times to get him all the way under.
Couple guys we stopped and helped with their work. Said we could come share our message some time. So in Cambodia people throw trash on the side of the road and it gets gathered in piles. Then every once in a while they burn it all. So we helped them sort out stuff to burn and rocks to throw back off the road.
Pretty view out of the window.
Nice old guy I met that I could barely understand. He lived in America for 10 years. He thought I gave him my photo book at first, but I just wanted to show him my family
It poured on us. Can kind of see here but there is a waterfall coming off the church roof.
Went to find a members house and had to go into a sketch part of the city. Made for a fun adventure and turns out they'd moved to Battambong, which is hours away.
The crew (and a random guy, always seems to be a random guy who jumps in your photos) who sang a special song for our baptism, Families Can Be Together Forever.
All is well on the other side of the world. Hope all is well for yall as well!
- Elder Taylor
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