Friday, February 3, 2017

Week 26: I Almost Went to Thailand.

So this week I haven't done much proselyting. (teaching) My companion started getting sick right as I started getting over my cold. His upper lip started swelling and only got worse. Wednesday we called our leaders in Phnom Penh and had the senior couple in KC look at him after we stayed home all day. Thursday we rode a bus into Phnom Penh. Spent all morning early afternoon at the doctors office getting him looked at and medicine prescribed. Stayed at the mission home to wait and see if he started getting better. By that night he was still getting worse so we went back to the doctors office. They had us go to a proper hospital and get a scan done of his face to see if the root of the problem was dental (pun intended) because he had some work done a few months back. Finished up that about 2am and slept at the doctors office with him. They have three beds there for patients. Spent all Friday at his bedside helping translate, manage information from doctors, relaying it to our leaders, and all kinds of fun stuff. They decided he needed to go to Thailand to see a specialist. His passport was back in KC so the senior couple made the 2 hour drive down to bring it. It was decided that I would stay here and one of the assistants to the president, AP, would go with him. So thus I almost went to Thailand. His lip started leaking pus about 30 min before he left for the airport so they helped squeeze out what they could. Then he left for the airport and I stayed with the other AP and office elders. So I guess I can say I've been an honorary AP for a day. Came back to KC by myself on a bus. A little odd. Haven't been alone like that in 6 months. Now I'm in a trio with two other elders here and were trying to balance visiting everyone in our combined three areas. As of right now my comp is doing well and he will come back on Thursday. They're going to keep him a bit just to make sure he heals up 100%.  


This is at a resturant I like that makes a mean chicken burger, but I love this for the message. It's like serving a mission. Looks nigh impossible, then you start. And you keep going. One. Stitch. At. A. Time. You do your best, and then you're done! I'm already 1/4 done with my mission. Weird to think about. ​

We got another paper Christmas tree! All the Christmas spirit! ​

Elder Denkers, AP I was comps with. Way cool dude​

The office elders. I think I might wind up office elder one day. Sounds right up my ally. (They work with computers, make videos, and do odds and ends to keep the mission going) ​

My comp, Elder Tree, a few hours before he got shipped off. ​

Eating my dinner at 2 in the morning... ​

They have tons of decorations in the city for Christmas! Sadly I did not get to eat Coldstone though. I also found one Christmas tree in KC. ​

We caroled to the class of one of our members when we visited his school last p-day. ​

All the little kids swarmed when the white people walked into the school. It was so cool to see. They just kept flocking to the fence. The picture doesn't do it justice. ​

Visited a rubber factory at the rubber plantation! One of our members works high up in administration there or something and gave us a tour. (the school was for the workers, so not many white people visit there, we had to drive a ways out from the city part of KC) ​

Fun photo in the rubber tree forest. ​

Life is crazy, but God is always my rock. In this Christmas season may we remember all that Christ has done for us so that we can always find peace, no matter how turbulent the waters of our life becomes. Love y'all and Merry Christmas! 

Elder Taylor

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