Monday, May 21, 2018

Update 99: 1 Away From 100!

Happy Mothers day to all of those wonderful moms out there! And especially to my wonderful mother that always knows how to spread a smile :)

Met Reut (awesome member, and his wife) and ate chicken. We had two roasted chickens, a plate of rice, sprite, and a bowl of dip sauce and just went to town tearing the chicken apart with our hands and eating it like ancient Khmer style. 

Met Saravoun, preacher guy. Gave him a Book of Mormon and he said that he wants to study and find the truth. Keep him in your prayers that he will receive an answer from the Holy Ghost!

Lots of rain. Lots. And the rainy season is only beginning.

land mine blew up close to one of our investigators house. She told us all about it. Guess the landmines aren't all quite gone.

Ran into a fellow white guy american, John, and talked about politics for quite a while, very nice fellow though.

Long the wood worker is one of our new dope investigators. He works far away in a province, but his daughter lives in the city going to school and he comes and goes and wants to be sure to meet us. He loves scriptures and is excited to study and mark and write notes in his brand new Book of Mormon!

contacting and families. We spent all Friday morning walking around talking to people and after praying about it, we went to the area north of our house. We met several famalies and individuals who gave us their numbers and said we could come back later. Haven't been able to meet them all yet, but we'll keep trying! 

service and cement with kompheak. He is one of our investigators and couldn't meet because he was busy doing cement work around his house to prevent flooding for the upcoming rainy season, so we went and helped him out. Carried sand, mixed cement, talked to his neighbors, met his kids and wife. Good time. 

dinner with members on Saturday night and our best investigator, Nida, came and we taught her about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Then we had some kebabs and bok lhong (shredded papaya salad stuff)

The border was set by the stake president and the split to form a new branch will happen after all the paper work is worked out.

Sopheak is another investigator that is interested in learning English and Jesus Christ. Trying to help him with both aspects and just committed him to read in the Book of Mormon. Hopefully he keeps his commitments!  

Saw Schiefer, Denkers, Allred, and Brown. All people that used to serve in Cambodia with me and it was awesome to see them again! Elder Schiefer was my first companion and also finished him mission in this area and has a great love for the people here.

Left our house one morning and there was a group of Khmers. One blew kisses and called us frenchies in Khmer. Unexpected, but I found it highly amusing.
Stopped at a light by the airport and 4 americans in a tuk tuk drove by, "Hi, Elders! We're Mormon!" And then they were gone, too bad we couldn't stop and chat a bit. 

Never a dull day.

The work rolls on.

- Elder Taylor

Letters will be joyously received at: 
Elder Taylor
Cambodia Phnom Penh Mission 
House 2B, st. 222 off Norodom
P.O. Box 165
Phnom Penh Cambodia 

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