Monday, May 21, 2018

Update 96: Miracles Continue

Last week we had the random lady, Ming Jan Two, show up to church and this past week we have been able to meet and teach her twice. She also came to church for all three hours and attended the baptismal service afterwards! And to get to and from church she road the bus and then walked about 20 minutes. She has been a wonderful example of faith unto actions as she shows her true desire to learn of Christ and follow Him. During our first meeting this week she accepted a goal to be baptized on the 27th of May and on our second meeting we established a friendship between her and a member that lives near her house. Jan Two can't read and this member, You Naa, accepted to help read the BOM with her and help her learn how to read.

This week we had a young man named Panha come to church with a member acquaintance. He also stayed for all three hours and the baptismal service and said he likes church and wants to be baptized as well. Only down side is that he doesn't have a phone, so no way to contact him, but he said he will come to church again next week and we can teach him then. 

In addition, we also picked up two other new investigators. One of which was a former investigator and isn't willing to sacrifice the time to come to church yet on Sunday because he lives about a half hour away. The other guy, however, lives an hour away and came to church! We also had a couple of the less active members we visited this past week come to church. It's exciting to see the work progress. And this week will be a full week as well with zone conference and an attending member of the area presidency. 

Other random updates of the week: 
We almost got a referral from a recent convert, but it fell through. What is exciting though is that last week we taught her about missionary work and she went out and kept our commitment to try and share the gospel with others!

Biking out to visit a member it started raining, just long enough to get us pretty wet, and then stopped. Then it got really windy and turned into a dust storm and with our wet clothes all the dust stuck to us. Never a dull moment. 

Another member family we visited, their son is a recent convert, insisted on us eating mangoes, which I didn't deny too hard because they taste really good. 

On Thursday my companion was sick and we stayed home. Got some good work done in the house, and then we were able to go out proselyting again the next day. It was a blessing that the sickness lasted only a day and on a day that we really didn't have any appointments to make, but he healed in time to go out and meet those we had planned. 

The work rolls on. 
- Elder Taylor

Letters will be joyously received at: 
Elder Taylor
Cambodia Phnom Penh Mission 
House 2B, st. 222 off Norodom
P.O. Box 165
Phnom Penh Cambodia 

901: Contacted a drunk guy. He told us his sister was in love with us. Fun times. 

904: I've been wanting to take a picture with this sign for over a year and finally got around to it. The sign says Holy Materials and in my hand I'm holding scriptures instead of a shoe.

910: The windy, rainy day

 916: The bike is still kicking! And everyone finds my basket on the back highly amusing

924: The baptism on Sunday. We have a font outside the church.

928/930: A member we visited; sweet old lady who gave us fruit

936: The super dusty road is under construction! Hopefully that will be finished shortly. 

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