Monday, June 12, 2017

Update 51: Surprises!!!!

We got transfer callssss...... aaaaaaannnndnddddndnnd..... I'm the new Office elder!! AAhhhhh!!! Also unexpected Elder Cox will stay in Jim-gau-moon with the other two elders as well, so four total. Thought they would recombine the area. 
Also we took an unexpected trip to the zoo here in Cambodia! It was pretty cool. The natives get in for 50cents and we americans have to pay $5. Yay tourism. 
Also had a return missionary visit our ward on Sunday, Elder Childs. Just so happens I acquired his old nametag when he left it in the house I started my mission in after he went home. I keep it as a spare in my bag in case I lose mine on the go. So it made for a great photo and was highly amusing when I pulled it out of my bag. 

Busy day because of the zoo, but just to let you all know, I still love you! Take luck! - Elder Taylor

I darned a sock

pb and j burger

I made mini tie for my Dragonite, thus learning to make ties begins 

trip to the zoo in a tuk tuk 

and more

- Elder Taylor

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