Sunday, June 4, 2017

Update 50: Meetings, Special Days, and Voting

Lots of meetings this week, but it keeps life more organized. 
It was a sisters year mark in country, my second companions birthday (he is in my area), and another sister in my districts birthday today. 
Yesterday was voting day and lots of people were busy. You have to go to your birthplace to vote so everyone ends up going all over the country and the city gets quieter. 

Back parking lot of our church​

Surprise party ​

When you vote you have to give your finger print and your finger gets covered in ink. Very easy to tell who has voted. First person I saw that had this I thought he had smashed his finger super bad, luckily my concern was not needed. ​

We splurged a bit after we biked out to do an exchange (change companions for a day) and realized that we had miscommunication and it didn't start until 7pm, not 7am. ​

One sisters bike wheel disengaged from the gears, so peddling did nothing. The solution, have her companion pull her! ​

One of the sisters recent converts who helped throw the party being very proud. She photobombed most of my pictures I was taking there. ​

Transfer calls are next Sunday. I think it's very up in the air whether or not I stay or switch areas. Right now we have 4 elders in my area. President wants to try splitting areas in east zone so I think he might recombine this area and split a different one in east zone. Or he might leave it open for another transfer to keep the trial going. Either way we lose a lot of elders after next transfer and gain only 1, so it will be closed after one more transfer for sure. (well as sure as i can get) It'll be fun to see how it works out. 

Love y'all! 
Elder Taylor

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