Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Week 4: Learning From and Becoming Messengers of the Lord


 It feels like I was just emailing yesterday and yet that it was also an eternity ago. Never before has time felt like such wibbly wobbly stuff. (Shout out to all y'all that get the reference)
     There have been many experiences that have transpired. Some amusing, some quite spiritual, but I'll only write here about this past Sunday evening, although the whole day was amazingly spiritual.
     Sunday evening we had Elder Bednar show up out of the blue and do a Q and A session! When we got to Sundaydevotional they announced that they felt as a presidency that we should watch the Character of Christ talk video by Elder Bednar. All the missionaries watch it after devotional their first Sunday in the MTC so I'd already seen it, but it's really good so I was fine with it. Then after the video ended everyone was standing up as I was finishing writing notes, so I was a bit behind the others. Figured we were just standing to sing or something. Nope. Stood up and there is Elder Bednar, and I'm only 8 rows away from the podium. He explained that once or twice a year Sister Bednar and he come and do a Q and A session after everyone watches the Character of Christ video to answer any questions people have. I felt so blessed that they chose to come while I was here. 
     When he asked for questions I shot my hand up in the air because I've actually had a question I've been pondering about recently. In short I never got picked; which was a bit of a bummer. I'll pose my question to y'all and feel free to send me your thoughts: What is the relationship between charity and justice? 
     Elder Bednar is such a funny guy though. For one of the questions he asked Sister Bednar to come up and help answer the question; then he went and sat down. Sister Bednar hardcore called him out on leaving her up there, saying that he abandoned her. When he got up he said you have now, "witnessed the wife of an apostle throwing him under the bus." A couple questions later Sister Bednar was called on again and this time she made sure Elder Bednar stayed with her for moral support. She told us that we should never leave our companions. So funny.       Elder Bednar was answering a sister's question about feeling the spirit or being good enough or something and he explained it this way. Sisters, you'll do ten things. Nine of the perfectly and one of them just well and you'll focus on the fact that that one thing wasn't perfect. Elders, you will do ten things. Nine of them you will completely mess up and one of them you'll do moderately ok on, and you'll say "Yeahhhh." Really funny the way he said that.     Elder Bednar also has a really good Cookie Monster Impression he does in his Character of Christ video to explain the tendency of the natural man to turn inwards. 
     Ok, meat of the message, spiritual highlights:
     - As you pray you can receive the gift of discernment to help you in your service to the Lord.
     - Find individuals.     He explained how even though we only see them (apostles) in big settings like conference, they minister to individuals as their main focus. He gave an example of how he went to an island on the coast of Spain, I believe, and met a man that had been inactive for twenty years on the street and as an apostle of God called him to return to church, and he did. I know the Lord loves us individually and we should seek to teach individuals. 
     - The greatest miracle in Earth's history is that anyone joins the church with 18-20 year-olds at the forefront of the endeavor to teach the gospel.    Pretty funny when he said it, the audience chuckled, but it's a serious thing. It's not what we say, but how they (investigators) feel; what we are. "Teaching isn't talking."
     - DON'T BEAR TESTIMONY CASUALLY OR ROUTE  It was actually kind of scary when he talked about this. He was dead serious and all levity was gone. 
     - Don't ask guess what's in my head questions; they're stupid. Back to being amusing Elder Bednar said that he knew his wife would chastise him for using the word stupid, but that they really are very stupid. They make people uncomfortable and have a set answer. Ask questions such that the Spirit can prompt and people can say what's in their hearts. 
     - You won't ever answer anybody's questions, the Holy Ghost will. We need to be worthy of that gift. 
     - He closed with a witness that Christ lives and that he knows that in a way that transcends the five senses.  Thought that was interesting and cool. 
     - Closing hymn was I Feel My Savior's Love and one line really struck me: "He knows I will follow Him, give all my life to him. When I kneel I am filled with Peace." I love Christ and I hope that I can serve Him fully and help teach others about the love that Christ has for them. 

 Elder Taylor

The group photos are of everyone we could get together that is here from my BYU YSA ward. We have had so many people go through already though. It's wonderful to see my friends and fellow students be missionaries in this glorious work. 

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