Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Week 3: I know that Heavenly loves y'all and wants to help you.


 Hey y'all! Hope you've had a great weak since I've last sent word. Here are some random events from my life to keep you updated:
     I ran into a girl from my mission prep class who is from Lexington, SC. Always cool to find someone from close to home. Also met a missionary who is going to serve in my home mission in SC. Don't remember his name (sorry those living there who might have wanted to watch for him). This Wed I get to host the incoming missionaries (pick them up at the drop off curb and show them around) and I might get to see a couple friends coming in.
     In the exercise world I've decided four square is definitely a lot of fun, but the line gets way to long outside after about 5-10 minutes. (The floor is being waxed or redone somehow in the gym so we all have to go to the exercise field) Once it gets long I go and throw a frisbee; I love it so much. It's just one of the best feelings to have a perfect throw or catch a tricky pass. 
     One of my roommates, Elder Tan, had me start teaching him how to solve the Rubik's Cube and he can do it all from memory now. I call him my "first convert", haha. Both of the sisters in my district are learning now too. Sister Snooks even had her mom send her one. It's fun to share something I enjoy with others. 
     In the residence this one guy got the others hyped up to do a shirt ironing contest, see who could do it the fastest. They did it and they were very loud (I was a floor below), but the first got who got them hyped got them to iron all his shirts. Clever guy. 
     Here's a challenge for y'all. Using a rectangular piece of paper make a cross with one straight rip. Sister Snooks told my district that challenge and I figured it out. I enjoy mind puzzles like that. 
     Also last night the other Cambodian district guys got out district leader, Elder Otto, to prank there sisters. They had him come in all serious and tell them that due to civil unrest in Cambodia they would be delayed three more weeks in the MTC. They were not happy and pretty mad when they found out it wasn't real, but laughed in hindsight. 
     My district has come to really appreciate our main teacher, Lookruu Garlick, and he had a really rough day on Thursday. His girlfriend and him broke up and the wife of his bishop in Cambodia died. He apologized to us for being distracted and promised to do better because the people of Cambodia deserve better and committed us to all focus and try harder as well. It was a very spiritual experience and I wish I could make myself work even harder, but there is only so much time in a day.
     The choir director had a cool analogy that he shared with us. He compared us to a cow and the Lord to Babe, Paul Bunyon's big blue ox. We are yoked to the Lord and He is doing all the work. We do all we can, but it is by his power. I know that is true as I have progressed here in my ability to teach; it would not be possible without the Spirit. 
     Over the past week I've had several good teaching experiences and an exceptional one yesterday. Our investigators, Om Thom (ohm tom) and b))nj dii (bong dii) want to learn and that helps a ton. Even though they are our teachers role playing they feel like new people when I teach them. It's hard to explain. Anywho, yesterday Elder Millet and I taught Om Thom about prayer. I was able to explain the parts of prayer, why we pray, and bear testimony all in Khmae. It was really amazing. I can't imagine how awesome it will be when I'm fluent and can truly share all that the Spirit prompts me to. 
     In class I also got to play the role of investigator for demonstrative teaching. My teacher, that I had just taught earlier that day, was now teaching me. It was a lot of fun and she taught me almost the same thing I taught her! Even used the same story about Ammon teaching the unbelieving king. 

Khnom dunj taa preahvoobeeda sua srolan yeenj hauy trunj conj cuy yeenj. 
(k+gnome dung taa pray-uh-voo-buh-duh-sue-uh s+row-line young how-ee true-ung john+g chewy young)
I know that Heavenly Father loves y'all and wants to help you.  

- Elder Taylor

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