Sunday, February 18, 2018

Update 86: Massive Success in Finding

This has been a great come back from last week. We had a total of 12 new investigators! A good normal week is 2 new investigators. Pretty sure 12 is more than I had my entire time in the office. A couple referrals from members, a couple former investigators, and a lot of success from contacting. I did an exchange with Elder Selman from Thursday afternoon to Friday afternoon, and during that time we got 4 new investigators from contacting and teaching them with the pamphlets when we contacted them. We also got a new investigator for the sisters as a referral from someone we contacted. Teach when you find, find when you teach. It works! We also didn't really have a chance to meet with our investigators this week so the teaching pool just changed out or freshened up.    On Sunday Elder Nguyen and I exchanged to get his patriarchal blessing all figured out. When he got it at the MTC in the Philippines they forgot to declare his lineage, so he got that added on by the patriarch in my ward here.

Love y'all! 
- Elder Taylor

Letters will be joyously received at: 
Elder Taylor
Cambodia Phnom Penh Mission 
House 2B, st. 222 off Norodom
P.O. Box 165
Phnom Penh Cambodia 

410-416 we had a large activity last p-day with the zone. Fun times!
425: When personal study gets real cool because of the lighting in the room
437: Lunch says hello!
440: It's dark outside but there is still Sunlight streaming through my window! (little packets of Sunlight dish soap)
444: An odd concoction of supposedly edible substances 
446-448: One of our new investigators, Tee, he lives on a boat house that wobbles back and forth. Also has a sketch iron beam as a bridge to his house. He half jokingly asked if we knew how to swim as we walked across. 
449: Palm fruit! It's real sticky and slurpy, kind of like slightly sweetened jelly

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