Well, kind of. We got transfer calls and Elder Phork and I get to be companions for another transfer! I thought for sure he was going to be reassigned, but I get him for one more. Also our house mates are staying the same too (for now), so the wonderful baking continues!
As far as investigators go, no one has been progressing really. We went and visited a ton of our investigators Sunday morning to take them to church and no one could come. One of our potentials did show up right at the end though for the closing prayer and then left after. So, we'll follow up with him. The real success comes in your commitment to the Savior and to doing His work and becoming a more deliberate disciple yourself. I challenge you all to pick one way in which you can become a more deliberate disciple of Jesus Christ this week; maybe pray, read your scriptures, do service for others, or any other part you need to work on. As you strive to do as Christ would, you will see His power in your life, changing you to be the best you that you can be. Let me know how it goes for you!
460: They get real creative with power lines here
467: Left is Dy and right is Nimol. I know both from a year ago when I served in TukThlaa. Didn't have any pictures with them yet so I snagged one after English class
471: The chef and the peach cobbler
478: This past week was Chinese/Vietnamese new years and everybody was drunk. Did an exchange and Elder Tveten played As Now We Take the Sacrament for a bunch of drunk partying people on their karaoke keyboard.
483: Eating round two of the peach cobbler with Cold Stone ice cream
493: Choir practice
494: Eating rice with an incense stick in it to keep the mosquitoes away
513: House on the roof
518: House eating chocolate gravy and biscuits. We like good food :)
521: Lunch at a members house. I ate small little fishes fried up (eyeballs, bones, and all) with sliced cucumbers wrapped in lettuce dipped in fish sauce. Who would've thought I'd ever be adventurous enough to eat such a dish.