Sunday, April 2, 2017

Update 40: New Comp, New Area, New Experiences

So this week I have been with Elder McDonald in the southern part of Phnom Penh. We have both been in the country for 7 months and it is amazing that we have been able to learn enough Khmer to get around without a problem. Today at the market I was trying to get a lady's attention to buy some soap. She looked up and looked really confused, looking at me and then around me. Talking to her more I found out she was surprised because she had expected to look up and see a Khmer person, so when she looked up and saw just lil old me she was very confused. That is until I started speaking more Khmer to her. She said I sounded just like a native. Score! Don't worry about me getting a big head or anything, for every complement there is almost always someone who will tell you otherwise. But you still enjoy em when you get em.  Here's the stuff: 

This trashcan was in the mall. I guess they mean paper, but I just think of gasoline, hairsray, and all those other wonderful combustibles. ​

Ran into my old companions at the mall! Elder Try tome=big, who just finished, and his little brother, Elder Try toic=small. Gotta love Burger King 50cent icecream cones. ​

We went bowling. I had one strike. Must've been beginners luck ðŸ˜…

winding up for the bowl​

Think we should all get new bike helmets? ​

New companionship bonding over burgers. Eat like you mean it.​

The district. We had a guy come to church on Suday visiting from America. I translated for him and at the end he gave us money to take the district to lunch. He has served before in California and he said he always took the district out there to lunch. ​

Ready to race the Porsche? You see some way nice cars in the city.  ​

We got soaked biking home one night. Not even the rainy season!​

Helped decorate for a Relief Society activity. It was good to use my lungs again like that. Went to blow up the first balloon and she was acting all worried, telling me to use the pump thing or I would hurt my neck. Guess it's a good thing I've got years of band practice to qualify me. ​

A school razor blade cutter. How mad/trouble do you think I would get in if I brought this to public school in america? ​

Made some banana bread. We've got an oven in the new house!​

Have you ever seen people trying to flip water bottles and land them? Well I was sitting on my bed, top bunk, and holding my water bottle. I decided I'd just give it a go, not really expecting anything, and I landed it! Dead perfect upright. So of course I had to take a picture or I would've forgot. 

There is this awesome lady who sells delicious smoothies on the street to our house.... ​

Finding less actives. This guy was way cool about me taking a picture. *note - it is very common for dudes not to wear shirts here*

Last time eating pizza in TukThlaa 

First, and last time I suppose, that this road way waaayyyy packed with traffic.​

Moving day! Pack up the tuktuk and here we go. It was Elder Try's dad who came and got us. That would be so weird to have you dad drive up at the end of your mission and say, ok hop in son. ​

The work is only just beginning. I'll let know more next week! 
All my love,
Elder Taylor áž¢ែលឌើážš

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