Monday, March 13, 2017

Update 38: Fellowshipping and Food

Food is central in most all cultures in activities and get-together's and so it is here. Had some fun times this week fellow shipping our investigators and members:

Since Elder Try is dying (finishing his mission and going home) in a week, our recent converts bought us a cake! And we ate "Cow Climbs the Mountain" Strips of beef with an egg mix fried up with vegetables in butter and dipped in some scrambled egg dip.​

A member help got bored while we were teaching​

Me and our two recent converts: Muayseeing and Jewin (reallyl hard to write Khmer with english alphabet...)​

This was the cake night cow climb the mountain. We ate behind the church and this was before we left. The conversation went something like this: *girl tries to take a selfie of us all* Ï'm too short! Who's tall. Elder Taylor! Come take the picture!" ​

Muayseeing studying the scriptures. He was reading Jacob 5. We had a good time discussing it right after this photo. ​

Cow climb the mountain party. This is what marrying couples do at weddings 😜

Love these people​

​the cow climbing the mountain getting fried​

Elder Try caught a bird in the church​

We had a huge activity at the church for all the members in Phnom Penh = 3 stakes = a lot of people. ​

Even got memes in Cambodia​

Another food party we had. ​

As you can see we like food here and most of the time it tastes kinda good. Sometimes really good! 

Questions: What was your favorite missionary moment this week?
Seeing my investigators that have just become members fellow shipping one another and having unity together as we continue to study and learn about Christ's teachings. We really are one big family of brothers and sisters. 

Love yall! 
-Elder Taylor

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