Sunday, April 15, 2018

Update 94: The Trainee Has Arrived!

And his name is Elder Richards. What an adventurous first few days it has been. Here is my update to President Christensen: 
Elder Richards is wonderful and so motivated to do the work. Sadly, we have been a bit under the weather these past few days with bouts of nausea (but thankfully no vomiting) and lots of diarrhea. I got over it this morning, but Elder Richards is still working on the last of it. That asides we have managed to visit several members and a couple investigators with a members help, teach an RC, watch conference, and attend district meeting. We have an appointment with the Bishop this afternoon to introduce ourselves and become more familiar with his plans for the ward. I want to talk more with you about that at some point, the splitting of the area and what my job is exactly; I'll probably do that at interviews or trainee meeting this week if we can find a few minutes. As for the white washing the area book hasn't been updated in over a transfer and it is a struggle to know where the work is at. Managed to find out about two undocumented investigators after calling Elder ******** and thankfully our member help knew where their houses were. Elder Richards just wants to get out there and baptized nations and I'm sad I can't bring him into a functioning area, but I'll teach him how to build one from the ground up the best I can. 

Fun things:

After getting him from the airport we rode back to the mission home in a tuk tuk and Elder Richards was all smiles; he just couldn't stop. He was finally in Cambodia! Reminds me of my first day here and brings back the enthusiasm. 

We rode a city bus with *according to the bus driver* approximately 130-150 people. I was pressed right up against the front entrance door. This is the first time I've ever ridden the city bus system, but out area is far out and the bus goes right by our house and the north stake center, so works out well. Get to talk to lots of people and have a couple potential investigators from it. 

Elder Richards got to have his first sugar cane juice and ripe Cambodian mango this week and loved it (as he should!). 

We have also got to experience what we think was food poisoning together. One afternoon as we were chilling on our beds Elder Richards asked me about my mission and I got out my journal and read him my entries for my first week in country. The soothing sound of my voice helped him drift off to sleep (or maybe my first week was just really boring?) 

Anywho, not much time, but lots to tell. Send more next week; love y'all! 

- Elder Taylor

Letters will be joyously received at: 
Elder Taylor
Cambodia Phnom Penh Mission 
House 2B, st. 222 off Norodom
P.O. Box 165
Phnom Penh Cambodia 

Update 90-92: Angkor What?

Chester Taylor

AttachmentsApr 1
to AlexAmmonAshtonAubriAubriaunaBrendenCaitrinCarolynChristenaChristophermeEmilyEricErnestoHarrisonIzakJacobJasonJasonJefferriKylieLindseyMadisonMarenMaren
I went to Angkor Wat, the ancient ruins of the Khmer empire in the Siem Reap province last Monday. 
Last night I got a transfer call and I am going to white wash train Chom Chao, the area that the airport is in. So still in the same zone, just moving to the opposite side. (white wash means both me and my companion are new in the area) I will pick up my new trainee on Thursday and tell you all about it next week; love y'all! 

- Elder Taylor

Letters will be joyously received at: 
Elder Taylor
Cambodia Phnom Penh Mission 
House 2B, st. 222 off Norodom
P.O. Box 165
Phnom Penh Cambodia 

Week 91: Angkor Watt

I'm going here right now! Tell you all about it next week!

- Elder Taylor

Letters will be joyously received at: 
Elder Taylor
Cambodia Phnom Penh Mission 
House 2B, st. 222 off Norodom
P.O. Box 165
Phnom Penh Cambodia

Week 90: Still Alive!

So been really busy with my computer time today prepping for coming back to school, but I love y'all! The work is good. 

- Elder Taylor

Letters will be joyously received at: 
Elder Taylor
Cambodia Phnom Penh Mission 
House 2B, st. 222 off Norodom
P.O. Box 165
Phnom Penh Cambodia 

Update 89: Busy!

Got to see Hak again this week! I interviewed him for baptism back when I was a district leader in the office. I was on exchange with the assistants (APs) and we went and taught him. Also got to meet a super cool grandpa this week and his lovely wife. Attended Virak's wedding as well. Life is busy; love y'all! 
- Elder Taylor

Letters will be joyously received at: 
Elder Taylor
Cambodia Phnom Penh Mission 
House 2B, st. 222 off Norodom
P.O. Box 165
Phnom Penh Cambodia 

Update 88: He Came to Church!

Highlight of the week is that our new investigator, Viasna, came to all three hours of church on Sunday, and we had an awesome lesson with him on Saturday where we met his friend who has many questions about Christianity and said next time we meet with Visna he'll join in. They both are studying at a university in my area. Our other investigators are struggling to find time to meet with us. It's a new week though and time to go find those that the Lord has prepared to receive His word. 

Love y'all! 
- Elder Taylor

Letters will be joyously received at: 
Elder Taylor
Cambodia Phnom Penh Mission 
House 2B, st. 222 off Norodom
P.O. Box 165
Phnom Penh Cambodia 

528 Making chocolate chip cookies that turned into chocolate chip cake because we have a tiny toaster over. MMmmmmmmm....
534 Babe is on his way to the market
537 Morning of transfers with these two solid elders walking up to the mission home
543 Reminded me of the South Carolina state flag
548 Durian... 
549 Bananas! 
550 Opening the durian, my house will probably smell bad when I get back, oohhhh goody