Sunday, August 27, 2017

Update 62: Baptisms!

We had two of our investigators get baptized! Roat (រ័ត្ត) and Ben

We also had the opportunity to donate blood to save the life of the cousin of some sisters investigator. (One handed Rubik's cube solving anybody?)

Been a very busy week but there are the highlights that are coming to mind. 
Love y'all!

- Elder Taylor

Letters will be joyously received at: 
Elder Taylor
Cambodia Phnom Penh Mission 
House 2B, st. 222 off Norodom
P.O. Box 165
Phnom Penh Cambodia 

Update 61: Working Hard

(Update: Elder Taylor just sent photos and note that didn't make it out of his email last week...)

Our mission is the most baptizing mission per missionary in the Asian missions right now. Do work! 

We have three investigators with baptismal dates, and two of those will be baptized this upcoming Sunday!

For p-day we took a trip out to a mountain. Here are some photos: ​

Monday, August 14, 2017

Update 60: Ummm... Life is still busy

Some Stuffs: 

Fri: Selfie in the shiny elevator 2.0 

Tue: Driving through suppppeeerrrrr slow traffic and followed these kids for about half an hour. Made the drive a lot more entertaining. ​

Mon: We played laser tag at Aeon Mall. Wayne injured his foot and bled a decent bit on the floor. So we got another free round.


Sat: Inside the Khmer Pagoda (watt) and traffic driving in the surrounding area. 


Fri: We went to lunch at Burger Lab with a member that I helped re-activate while I was in Jimgaumoon. He's still super cool, but will be moving up to North Stake pretty soon. 

Sad news: Kena dropped up and no longer wants to learn. 
Exciting news: Our new Pakistani family came to church, along with three other investigators. We set goals for baptism for 3 investigators. Elder Sears had a birthday and the Thurston's made us amazing lunch. I interviewed two of the APs (assistants to the president) investigators this week and attended two baptisms; one of which I interviewed. 

The work rolls on! 

- Elder Taylor

Letters will be joyously received at: 
Elder Taylor
Cambodia Phnom Penh Mission 
House 2B, st. 222 off Norodom
P.O. Box 165
Phnom Penh Cambodia 

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Update 59: So Busy

I feel like these emails are very comparable to scripture when Moroni or Mormon or whoever is writing says they only include a hundredth of what was going on. I only have so much time to fill you in on everything. So here are some highlights: 

MLC Meeting - The mission passed the number of confirmations we had last year this past month and if we keep up the trend we will be at our year goal within the next two months. To celebrate we bought confetti cannons and shot them off during the meeting and scared some missionaries.  

On Wednesday I got a random call from the sisters up in my old area in north stake. They asked if I knew a Srey Mian and I told them she's my old investigator. Turns out she came to church and told the sisters she wants to be baptized, but they didn't know who she was. But now she's coming back. Yes!

We got to meet another cool Pakistani family on Thursday. My trainer, Elder Schiefer, found them in his area up north and showed us their house. Then they came to church on Sunday as well and we are going to go teach them on Tuesday

Thursday was also the week mark training meeting for the new missionaries that got to country last week. The meeting went well and carried over from Thursday night to Friday morning. Seems like a pretty solid group of missionaries. They weren't too enthusiastic, still just in shell shocked mode I think.

Found out Pizza, our potential investigator, actually isn't Pizza. Told us his name is Chickikelechukwu Donatus instead. Bummer, Pizza was such a cool name

Sunday was busy; which is good for us! We had Kena, Ivan, Osada, Moses, Burnadette, Cheryl, and Ron come to church. Also had some more people move into our international branch so we are now up to 70ish people attending church.

Spiritual thought of the week: I was reading in Ether and as members we often think of Ether 12:27 talking about our weaknesses being given to us from the Lord and how he will make us stronger. As I read the chapter this time I saw more of a correlation between hope and faith. I'd invite everyone to re-read this chapter and think about it, but I'll just share one verse that I liked: 
Ether 12: 9 Wherefore, ye may also have hope, and be partakers of the gift, if ye will but have faith. 

May we all be partakers of the Lord's wonderful gift for us. 
Love y'all!

- Elder Taylor

I'm just going to attach a bunch of old photos from the past transfer because I've been bad about keeping up with photos ​

Update 58: Can you say Crazy?

This week was the week of transfers. We had almost every single missionary in the mission at the mission home on Wednesday. All but 4 people came in from the provinces. Then the day after transfers we had new missionaries come from America. As office elder I was much of coordination and planning. 

On a cool note we had the opportunity to have dinner at the home of the new Pakistani family that moved into our branch. They have a crazy story of fleeing Pakistan from Muslim persecution and then being detained in prison for 2 years in Thailand on visa issues before escaping and making it to Cambodia. Through all their trials they never lost faith in God and always prayed for a miracle of leaving the prison and now they are so grateful to be here. Right now they are on a tourist visa and trying to set up a Pakistani restaurant to get a working visa. Keep them in your prayers! 

Also had Kena come back from America, she was at church last week, and we're working with her to continue learning. She has already had fantastic fellowship from the members and this past Saturday we went out to lunch with the youth at a waffle place and she came along as well. 

Last interesting note, we have an investigator named Moses from China that I can't remember if I've mentioned before, but he told Drew (a member who's here doing an internship) on Sunday that he wanted to help do home teaching when Drew was handing out assignments (Drew speaks Mandarin since he served his mission on Taiwan). Drew told him that he needs to become a member through baptism first. Hopefully when we meet him for dinner this week with Drew we can set a goal for a baptismal date for him.  

With a new transfer comes a new planner. I'll attach the inspiration photos I used this time around. 
Life is always busy around here; never a dull moment in paradise. 

Love y'all!

- Elder Taylor

Letters will be joyously received at: 
Elder Taylor
Cambodia Phnom Penh Mission 
House 2B, st. 222 off Norodom
P.O. Box 165
Phnom Penh Cambodia