Elder Taylor arrives in Cambodia!
Elder Taylor with his first companion, Elder Shiefer, in Cambodia!
"Woah" summarizes the past week pretty well. But you probably want to here more than that so here you go.
Flights went great to California, Hong Kong, and Cambodia. I had an amazing opportunity to talk to my seat partner on the flight to California. We just started out chatting but hit it off pretty well and chatted the whole flight. We talked about a couple church related things mixed in with our talks of essential oils and looking for patterns in people, but the coolest experience was right before we landed. I was sharing what I knew about Buddhism and and how Buddha didn't proclaim deity but sought enlightenment and to teach truth. He mentioned how he thought that there was some truth to every story or else it wouldn't be worth telling and that all the tangled strings lead back to the true God. He shared how he had been Catholic but that he didn't like how they changed their doctrine to fit people, and he would tell the Bible teacher that he was contradicting himself and got told to go home. I asked what he knew of the Mormon faith and he said not much. I asked if I could share a little about what we believe and then shared about how Joseph Smith sought for an answer from God about which church was true. He had said he was interested to see how my mission went so I gave him a pass-along card and wrote my name and email on it and had him write down his name and email in my notebook. He's just the nicest guy and I'm glad I had the chance to get to know him and share about the message of Christ.
The rest of the flights were uneventful and I sat next to other elders and sisters going to Cambodia. Well I take that back. Going to Phnom Penh was a little eventful. At the beginning we talked to a grandma, mom, and they had a little boy who were sitting behind us. They said we understood a lot of Khmae which was kind of comforting. They spoke really good English though.
Well we got to Cambodia, got out of the airport and met the Mission president, his wife, and some missionaries. It was all confusing and I had no idea what was really going on. Then a tuktuk pulled up (little riding card attached to a moto (moped)) and two elders jumped out. One held up a sign that read something like "Elder Taylor - My new best eternal friend" and then he ran over and gave me a great big hug. This was Elder Shiefer, my trainer. He had been in country for about 9 months and is in the youngest group of trainers. So far so good though.
Understanding the language has definitely been the hardest part. Thus far everyone has been impressed with how well I can speak what I know. I've been asked how many years I've studied Khmae and people look like they don't believe that I just got to the country. One investigator compared me to an elder who is either now AP (assistant to the mission president) or was, but is well known for his language ability. Elder Shiefer also said that I can speak better than he could when he got here. So I have potential. There is still a ton I don't know how to say and I can't really understand anyone but Elder Shiefer.
Cool things: First lesson we got two investigators referred by a member present and they made me a desert thing to welcome me to the country. The area I'm being born in (trained in) is actually in a state of great progression so we have more people than we can teach in a day. Which is awesome. Also if I didn't have to go back to Phnom Penh (oh yeah I'm being trained in the Kites (provinces), Kampungjam specifically and another area that we ride a van to) we'd be baptizing one investigator this week, but it will probably happen next week. The Lord is moving his work forward and I'm am excited to be a part of it.
Oh and we got to help plant rice! Not many missionaries actually end up getting to do it and I did it my third day here. A wet and muddy process, but it was nice. Also played soccer this morning with the youth and some leaders. I've never played soccer and claim no ability in it. But I managed to score two goals and as goalie I blocked some good shots. It was more fun than I expected it to be.
It hasn't rained yet during the day, which has actually surprised me. Apparently it's kind of dry this and the past year. There has been lots going on and I could write for days. Spend at least an hour every night writing in my journal. If you have any questions or have any requests let me know! Love y'all!
Elder Taylor